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Chiayi Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage



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  • Last updated:2024-07-16
  • View count:239

典獄長    Superintendent Mr. TSAI,JING-YU


               Education            National Police University,Department of Prison Administration ,class 51

               Experience          Superintendent of Pingtung Prison

                                       Superintendent of Yunlin Second Prison

                                       Superintendent of Tainan Second Prison

                                       Superintendent of Taiyuan Skill Training Institute

                                       Superintendent of Taitung Abuser Treatment Center

                                       Superintendent of Nantou Detention Center

                                       Deputy Superintendent of Chiayi Prison

                                       Deputy Superintendent of Yunlin Prison

                                       Deputy Superintendent of Penghu Prison

                                       Secretary of of Yunlin Prison

                                       Model Civil Servant by the Ministry of Justice in 2003


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